Tyler came in for his cake smash and milestone photos today. You’re only one once and it needs to be documented! When you book your childs cake smash with me (at my Ginseea Photo HQ studio in Umina) I email you a booking form, this helps to guide me which colour scheme you want for the cake smash as well as what backdrop to use for the milestone photos.
Included in your package is another set up for your Childs ‘One Year Milestone’ photos.
Look how cute he is!!!
Tyler loved to use the cake as a drum while having little nibbles
My absolute FAVOURITE part of these sessions is the bath! 9/10 babies love having a splash AND it’s a great opportunity to clean off the sticky icing and get bubs nice a clean :)
All clean and dried off.
It’s a big sensory experience for babies, playing with the cake, eating it and playing in the bath (and keeping them away from the balloons for as long a possible 😂) so often they fall asleep within minutes of leaving the studio.
If you would like to know more about my Cake Smash + Splash sessions you can find the pricing here and if you’d like to book contact me here